6 Pin Onoff Switch Wiring Diagram. If you refer to this pin diagram This is the OFF state of the switch. Slide switches might be for you!
5 Pin Toggle Switch Wiring Diagram - Wiring Diagram Networks (Julia Greer)
Using what you said and a pwm wire diagram I was able to get them to work properly. Wire the always off line in and out to your PWRSW pins on the mobo. + and - of the switch go to the PWR LED pins on the board, and whichever pair of pins you've found that are normally open and close when you push the button go to the Power switch pins. Wire colors can vary Turn power off, Use multimeter set to read Ohms to check which wires go from ceiling to switch box Resources: How to select wire size and breaker size.
Unlike momentary switches which connect the wires of the switch only for a second, this switch retains its ON-OFF state till pushed later on.
switches - 5 pin push button switch with LED AC wiring ...
6 Pin Dpdt Switch Wiring Diagram For Navigation Lights
GIGULABZ: Wiring Guitar
Check if you vehicle is Negative Switched: Ensure your headlights are in the off position. Either Hot wire can be switched ON-OFF or Both Hot wires can be switched ON-OFF. If a component is most likely found in Warning: be sure that the ignition switch always is in the off position For additional connector pin-out identification, refer to the wiring diagrams.