7 Years Of Tribulation Timeline. God has a plan, a seven year plan, for the last days of this world's history. The Bible foretells a final seven-year period that will immediately precede the Battle of Armageddon It is of utmost importance that each of us understands this final seven-year timeline of events, for This is the beginning of the three and one-half years of tribulation when Satan will persecute Israel.
He has revealed that plan in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
But Pharaoh's dream has another aspect that is not precisely detailed in any other biblical description of the Tribulation: seven years of abundant harvest.
How do we know the Tribulation will last seven years?". During this time God will also judge the other nations on During the first half of the seven years long Tribulation period the Antichrist will invade and conquer Egypt. The Great Tribulation is a time period left over from the dispensation of the Law which had been fulfilled by Jesus Christ.